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(263/308) 1820 - Voxspell: unable to add words with apostrophe to dictionary

Hi, I am unsure whether the Voxspell plugin is currently actively maintained, but I would like to mention a couple of quirks I found with words containing apostrophes (character ’).

1) Voxspell underlines these words but is unable to add them to dictionary, making them always underlined (e.g. Lo’rem). I tried to resolve this at least partially by adding the apostrophe to Extra word characters in Options/Editing but it did not help - maybe an option in Voxspell to add selected text to dictionary could help.
2) Any word already in the dictionary contracted with ’d, ’s, ’ve or other endings (e.g. Mary’s) will be again underlined - it would help if Voxspell had its own way to recognize extra word characters such as ’.
Thanks, tvojeho
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Submitted tvojeho - 2015-08-08 07:18:09.941000 Assigned
Priority 5 Labels
Status open Group None
Resolution None
